In the summer of 2016, I, along with Dominic Quemada and Cedric Concepcion, was given the opportunity by the SCG Sisters to stay in Yokohama, Japan as exchange students in a Don Bosco school similar to CDBS. This exchange program lasted for about two weeks, with each of us finding accommodations with Japanese students and their families.
Needless to say, it was a fascinating experience. The opportunity to actually communicate and socialize with Japanese students was a huge boon to our studies of the Japanese language back here in the Philippines; strengthening every aspect of it. In addition, this generous offer helped create bonds between CDBS and the school we stayed in, Salesio Yokohama.
From my host family, who selflessly provided their full support, to the students and teacher of Salesio Yokohama who accommodated us in adjusting to daily life. Thanks must also be given most especially to the administration and the sisters of CDBS, who understood that cultural bonds can be best formed by practical means, and there can be no better way to help students be globally-aware then to expose them to a whole new setting, and a whole new culture.
To them I say: どうもありがとうございました!(thank you very much!)
Raffaello Riley C. Voluntad is a Grade 12 student from STEM. He was one of the students chosen to be sent to Yokohama, Japan for Exchange Student Program of 2016.